суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So Iapos;m thinking about taking up jogging. I hate running outside, but my campus has an indoor track at our gym so I wanted to jog about 3x a week there and maybe once on the weekend outside. Iapos;m not overweight, I have a little "pooch" type tummy and some starting of love handles :( haha so I just want to tone my body, get it "tighter". So my question is, how much should I start out running each day? should I go by laps, time, distance? thanks

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I am down to 50mg of Zoloft and I actually like it.� I have a full range of feelings, like I am able to cry if I need to.� I swear while taking 100mg, it would take a LOT to get me to cry.� It is not even 8AM and Iapos;ve already teared up twice while watching tv this morning� I have compassion, interest... And I realize that crying feels so good.� Itapos;s a wonderful release, like a break.

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Today is our ninth anniversary. Tomorrow night,�Iapos;m taking Joy out to dinner at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. (Unfortunately, I really canapos;t ask my parents to babysit Jacob and Isaac for the time it would take to go to The Melting Pot. Mikeyapos;s at his grandparents this weekend and Elizabeth has to stay near Mommy, so sheapos;s coming with us.)

What can I possibly say about the wonderful woman Iapos;m married to? Sheapos;s my best friend, my other half, and the one person I�canapos;t do anything without. She is my Belle, the princess of my heart, and the woman of my dreams. The Emperor is right. You donapos;t meet a girl like this every dynasty.
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cool wedding cake pictures

Wow, itapos;s been two years since I posted last on LJ. Kind of pathetic really. Not that anyone really reads these things anyway.

Itapos;s been an exhausting/amazing last six months since the end of 10th grade into 11th. I didnapos;t realize what a big transition it truly was until I actually got here. The workload is about twenty times more and some of the classes much harder then last year. I can no longer skate through social studies like I did. Mostly because my teacher doesnapos;t teach the way my last two did. Sheapos;s very hands off, very boring. I learn through hearing and verbal aids.

anyway enough about school and more about my girl. Sheapos;s simply amazing. Beautiful, artsy, smart and kind. Everything you could ask for. Weapos;ve been together for almost 6 months now (oct 31st) but weapos;ve been seeing each other on and off since 8th grade. I wish I could get her something for our anniversary but weapos;re both in the closet and it would look odd to just buy a diamond necklace or something out of the blue for a friend. I thought of a rather corny idea for a hand-made present. Might as well put my artistic abilities to use Iapos;m going to make her a card/poster like thing that has the words apos;i love youapos; in many different languages. Iapos;ll have little blurbs on what she means to me to in there. <3
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Woke up this morning at 5:30 am, to get ready for my morning "long run" with Team in Training. I made several pieces of toast with honey and peanut butter and grabbed a water bottle and headed out the meeting spot for my run. Today I ran 6.4 miles and part of the run was on the actual race route for the Austin Marathon. Since I didn't run since Tuesday, I decided to walk the first 10 minutes. I still managed to get done at a pace of about 9:30. Good easy run for the morning all before 9 am After our run we were to have a clinic on fundraising.

The fundraising portion of this journey has been very hard for me. I am not doing very well in this department. I contacted CrossFit Central and asked them to be a corporate sponsor, but after emailing them to followup on my original email they said they never received it. I resent the email and I have not heard back from the marketing contact. I have also emailed about 150 of my contacts but mainly my wife's contacts and 1 person has donated. One of my mother's friends was nice to donate as well. I have mailed out about 30 letters to friends and family but have not heard from any of those eitherl. I am just at wits end in this fundraising area. I will be running the Austin Marathon with or without Team in Training (TNT). TNT has a re-commitment date, this is a date set by them that they ask you if you are going to continue training with them and raise money. The only hitch is you have to of raised 25 of the minimum, which is $500.00, by November 3rd or I will not be able to continue on with Team in Training.

In the beginning of this journey I was also trying to raise a mere $150 for Prostate Cancer awareness and also for entrance to compete in an event called Fight Gone Bad, I didn't meet my goal. I thought it would be a lot easier than this. I thought by asking for a mere $5.00 a person that I could make a decent dent in my goal, well I have been wrong. So only time will tell if I will reach the the minimum by November 3rd.

I will keep training and waking up early and running after work and keep plugging away at this Team in Training journey. Stay tuned.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bubble sort fortran

For once, in the last 3 weeks, I have had a relatively productive day.� It started with a notification from Genes Reunited, the site I use to develop my family tree, stating that I had a significant number of matches with someone I knew to be a distant relative, up a couple of generations, right a bit and down a few generations.� That sort of thing.� Anyway, I requested access to her tree and lo and behold, I could fill in a whole host of gaps on my fatherapos;s side of the family.� That, and also managing to send off for some documents to answer a few questions which could fill a few more holes.

On top of that, spoke to Dearly Beloved Aged Parent and got some details of some cousins heapos;d recently got back in touch with.

Well, it kept me out of mischief...

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